The Ultimate Teachers’ Resource Post

When the ancient Egyptians first began to divide the day into smaller parts, which would later become known as hours, they did not consider the lot of the teachers.

To say that there are not enough hours in a day of a teacher’s life is like saying that snakes do not have enough legs. Yet they make do, despite such gross injustice, and so do the teachers.

However, that is not to say that no resolution is needed. So we have compiled 15 of the most useful websites for the teachers of today. From basic lesson planning to quizzes and media editing, you will find it all here.

And of course, do not forget to visit the new Classroom Management app courtesy of Hallway Monitor to learn how you can also save time, stress and effort in the classroom and during the school outings. Request your Free demo now!

5 Websites for New Teachers

  • – This site is sponsored by well-known educational publisher Scholastic. Here you will find videos, essay competitions and expert advice from veteran teachers
  • The Educator’s Reference Desk – Hundreds of lesson plans submitted exclusively to this site can be found here. Search by subject or by grade level.
  • Teaching Channel’s New Teacher Survival Guide – This is Teaching Channel’s hub for all things — blog posts, videos, and discussion groups — related to first-year teaching. Topics covered include classroom management, planning, classroom culture, and first-year teaching advice.
  • PBS Teachers – The educational channel PBS operates this dynamic website with teaching material for all grades. Some of the material ties in with PBS shows, such as a new approach to teaching The Diary of Anne Frank that corresponds to an upcoming documentary.
  • Teachers Net– This is a gigantic resource for connecting with other teachers in order to share and receive advice, encouragement and, of course, lesson plans. The site also maintains an impressive gazette full of journalistic articles about the current state of American education.

5 Websites Every Teacher Should Know

  • Smithsonian Education – Smithsonian Education offers a wide variety of free resources for teachers, students and parents.
  • Discovery Education – Discovery Education offers a broad range of free classroom resources that complement and extend learning beyond the bell.
  • EdHelper – EdHelper  provides teachers with free printables, graphic organizers, worksheets, lesson plans, games and many other activities.
  • PBS Teachers – This is a great website that can help teachers grow professionally. It offers free teaching resources relevant to different grade category.
  • Edutopia – This is an excellent website that empowers and connects teachers, administrators, and parents with innovative solutions and resources to better education.

5 Websites Free Softwares for Teachers

  • Freemake Video Converter – a free video converter to prepare files for any gadget or device (e.g. projector, student tablets, mobiles, etc.), burn DVDs and Blu-rays, create slideshows and audio visualizations, edit video quickly, upload to YouTube, etc
  • Sound Recording Software– to save voice messages to your students, make podcasts, listening assignments, etc.
  • Video Conference Software – to arrange webinars, online lessons, public discussions at school.
  • Testmoz – generate automatically graded online tests with 4 questions types. Great for professionals and K-12! No need to register to create tests.
  • QuizFaber– a free teacher software that allows you to create a great variety of quizzes in HTML format, but no previous knowledge of HTML or javascript programming is necessary. It creates true or false, multiple choice, and matching quizzes, just to name a few, that you may publish on the Internet or send via email with just a few clicks.

What will you do now with all this free time? How about that book that’s been gathering dust on your night stand? Grab that dinner you’ve been promising your best friend since 2016? Create an online blog to document your experience and help other teachers? Or finally paint that bedroom?

Whatever you do, let Classroom Management app from Hall Monitor take away the extra stress you may have on the field trips, classrooms, hallways or school yards. To find out how, request your FREE demo today!