A better way of taking attendance
Touch Attendance is a key component of Hall Monitor. The mobile application was designed to facilitate the daily work of education professionals by providing instant access to important student information. Touch Attendance further facilitates the work of education professionals by providing a much more efficient way of taking attendance.

Paper-based Attendance Taking
Without Hall Monitor education professionals have to go back to their office, access their computer, log into the SIS Traditionally, paper-based attendance taking means attendance sheets need to be printed and provided to each teacher. The teacher then needs to take attendance, marking each student as present or absent. The attendance sheet then needs to be taken to the office by a student so the office staff can take note of absences and follow up for any unexplained absences. Primary schools often take attendance in the afternoon as well. Each time attendance is taken means the class is disrupted and one student per class misses part of the class to bring the sheet to the office and back.
This is a very inefficient and time-consuming process that takes place every day. From the printing and distributing of the actual attendance sheets per class, to the attendance taking process and the need for students to be out of class and finally, the lack of flexibility to accommodate a change in attendance status.
Learn more about the app features.Touch Attendance
Hall Monitor addresses all of these inefficiencies providing attendance taking that eliminates the manual processes and results in increased accuracy and speed.
Simple, Fast, Efficient and Flexible, Hall Monitor’s Touch Attendance has many benefits:
- Paperless attendance taking (eliminates paperwork for teachers and administrative staff)
- Preset “present” status for faster, more intuitive attendance taking
- Ability to update change in attendance status
- Reduces disruptions to class
- Keeps students in class
- Lowers administrative overhead (to identify and track unexplained absences)
- Leads to quicker response times for unexplained absences
- Updates to SIS

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